When Muslims break the fast, they usually start their meal with dates. It was said that Prophet Muhammad usually broke the fast with a few dates before the…

Dill is an annual herbal plant and is by far one of the most popular herbs. All ground plant’s parts, especially seeds, contain essential oil with a pleasant…

Coriander is a unique spicy plant, rich with carotene, vitamins and salts of kalium. Coriander is one of the oldest and widely used spicy herblike plants. It is…

Sunflower seed oil has very high taste qualities and is superior to other vegetable oils by sustenance and digestibility. Sunflower seed oil, along with other vegetable oils has…

Green onion contains microelements and provitamin A, vitamins PP and C, necessary for the human organism. 70 g of onion cover the requirement of the organism in ascorbic…