Health benefits of cranberries

The actual name – cranberry, comes from the Greek word “oxys” – sharp, sour, and “coccus” – ball, so literally it is “sour ball”. Cranberry is one of...

The actual name – cranberry, comes from the Greek word “oxys” – sharp, sour, and “coccus” – ball, so literally it is “sour ball”. Cranberry is one of the most nutritious fruits in nature and have plenty of benefits for your health. It contains sugar (3-6%), pectin substances, vitamin C (10-22 %), organic acids: citric (12.8%) and it’s rich in potassium and iron.

health benefits cranberriesThese small purple berries with a pleasant acidulous taste grow in North America and Canada. Cranberry has long been collected by the American Indians, born in the mainland. Cranberry grows on peat swamps, in moist woods and near stumps. It is recommenced to use mature berries. They can be harvested in three seasons. In September the fruit is firm, but by storing it softens. The most delicious cranberries you can pick in late autumn when the weather starts being cold & frosty. If you keep cranberries in cold water they can survive the whole of winter.  The great way to keep them for a long time it’s freezing them. After defrosting they will go bad rapidly, so need to be eaten quickly.

At the beginning of the century it have been discovered that cranberry has antimicrobial properties against pathogens cholera, staphylococcus. Currently cranberry is recommended to be used with urinary tract infection, angina, gynaecological and with any flu or cold conditions.

In recent years, scientific studies have proven that cranberry contains many substances which help slowing down the attaching of bacteria to the urinary tract and prevent inflammation in these organs. Cranberry is rich in antioxidants. Of the 20 different fruits and berries, tested during the research, cranberry has been found as the one with the highest phenol content. High concentrations of phenol and antioxidant make the cranberry similar in its properties to wine. The above also give it a bright red colour. Cranberry has refreshing and invigorating properties, improves the work of the stomach and intestines.

However, it’s not recommended to consume cranberries for people suffering from gastric ulcer or gastritis.

Drinks based on cranberry have antipyretic effects, and also in good quenching thirst. It is recommended to consume cranberry when you have flu and high temperatures. Drinks from cranberry increase the effect of antibiotics. Fresh cranberry juice or cranberry extract prevents certain types of stones in the kidneys and stimulates the function of the pancreas. Fresh juice in the form of lotions is used for purification and healing of purulent wounds and dry eczema.

Cranberry helps with metabolic disorders, chronic tonsillitis, rheumatism, high blood pressure, many infectious diseases, anaemia and other illnesses.

Summary of health benefits of cranberries:

  • one of the most nutritious fruits in nature
  • pleasant acidulous taste
  • cranberry has antimicrobial properties against pathogens cholera, staphylococcus
  • recommended to be used with urinary tract infection, angina, gynaecological and with any flu or cold conditions
  • cranberry contains many substances which help slowing down the attaching of bacteria to the urinary tract and prevent inflammation in these organs
  • rich in antioxidants
  • high concentrations of phenol and antioxidant make the cranberry similar in its properties to wine
  • improves the work of the stomach and intestines
  • drinks based on cranberry have antipyretic effects
  • cranberry helps with metabolic disorders, chronic tonsillitis, rheumatism, high blood pressure, many infectious diseases, anaemia and other illnesses

As you can see the health benefits of cranberries are immense, so the only question I have is: Anyone for a glass?

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