Health benefits of green onion

Green onion contains microelements and provitamin A, vitamins PP and C, necessary for the human organism. 70 g of onion cover the requirement of the organism in ascorbic...

Green onion contains microelements and provitamin A, vitamins PP and C, necessary for the human organism. 70 g of onion cover the requirement of the organism in ascorbic acid.

Green onion is useful at avitaminosis, depression of strength, sleepiness, dizziness, spring lassitude. It has a curative effect at cold and influenza due to phytoncides that have a destructive effect on pathogenic microorganisms. It was noticed that people working at greenhouses do not suffer from catarrhal and infectious diseases.

Health benefits of green onion

health benefits green onionRaw onion with sugar is useful at atony of the stomach and poor digestion, at mucous or spastic laboured breathing, dropsy and gravel, at scorbute and belly-worms, at cough, at cold and herpes (anoint).

Adding green onion to dishes vitaminizes them and improves the taste. In addition, green onion improves the visual appearance of dishes, especially in the combination with such vegetables as beet, carrot, tomatoes, potatoes. It is used for the decoration of salads and various snacks, starters and seconds, meat, fish and vegetable. In okroshka and botvinia, green onion is added a little bit more than in other dishes.

It is necessary to add green onion to dishes, if possible, all the year round. In winter one can grow green onion in greenhouses, and for lack of them – in wooden boxes on the windows of a heated room.

As soon as snow has melted, the sun starts warming, fresh sprouts of perennial onion appear on the ground. Such onion at times grows in and of itself, almost as a weed plant, not demanding a special care. Give it half a square metre of prolific ground and take for granted that you are provided with early spring onion for life. And if the place is suitable – with ornamental plants.

Perennial onions blossom beautifully and for a long time, forming big heads of bright purple flowers. Due to unpretentiousness and a long term of vegetation, they are quite suitable even for an alpine rock garden, it is better to place them on the eastern or southern slopes. Planted along a garden path, they form a sort of a green and edible border, very decorative. It is a wonderful honey plant and attracts a lot of bees and bumble-bees. And this, in its turn, beneficially affects pollination of cucumbers, marrows, pumpkins, paprika and other mellittophilae.

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